Friday, November 19, 2010


This year does not feel as "holidayish" as past seasons for me.  There are several reasons why.

One being, my grandfather (fathers, father) passed away this summer.  I know that my grandfather was just a man.  But to me he was magical.  The way his medicine cabinet smelled (like minty balms and herbs), the oil that always stained his hands.  The way he threw firewood into the fire.  How much vigor he put into gathering sap in the spring to make into syrup.  The way  he would warn us kids not to touch the electric fence.  The fact that he.. always he.. handed out the Christmas gifts.  Always.. Until the end.

Second being, Christmas will not be held this year at the "too small to hold the whole family house" that he and my Grandmother lived in (her entire life, and his since they were married).  It will be at the beautiful spacious and warm house that my aunt and uncle built up the field from the farmhouse.  Where the family will have PLENTY of elbow room and levels to spread out and lounge in.

Third.. the kids don't trudge up the sledding hill anymore.  The adults haul them up with snowmobiles.. That was half the fun.  Working up the ambition to climb that beast of a hill.  COME ON!!! 

But really. The older I get, the more I know about consumerism, pollution and how the two are soOOO intertwined.  So lighten up folks.  Give the mother a break (mother earth that is) and consider getting something used for a gift. Better yet.. ASK for something used.  Maybe even one of those old family heirlooms like my grandfathers medicine cabinet.  That way everytime I open it. I will be reminded of him.  And really.. Isn't that REALLY what is important.  To know that our family will remember us when we die? 

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